martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

My Favorite Sex Symbols

Sexuality is a wonderful thing. As I stated before in my post about Sex Ed & Self Esteem, there is nothing wrong with it if you are grown, educated, and smart. Being sexy doesn't mean you sleep around. It doesn't mean you are a stripper (although you may dance like one in club Aer when you are drinking and out celebrating with your friends ;)). And it doesn't mean you walk around half-naked every day. It's a certain "je ne sais quoi" that some have and some don't. I have it but you may not. :) One of the reasons I think that I do have it is because I admired and modeled myself after a combination of the following people.So now, in no particular order, my inspirations...MISS TLC SAYS: Madonna is the mother of sexual expression in many ways. From her 1984 romp across the MTV VMA stage in a white wedding dress, to her same sex kiss with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on another MTV VMA stage in 2003, Madonna has kept the world panting in pleasure or screaming in disgust for over 20 years. Influencing me to slide backwards down walls in my house while performing to her tracks with my sexy face on, Madonna had me believing I was clearly 28 when I was 8. Her "Sex" book was only the icing on the cake. Yes, I saw it and I was quoting lyrics from "Erotica" in my high school class papers.MISS TLC SAYS: Jessica Rabbit has a body to die for and a rabbit for a husband. Yeah, I don't know what that has to do with anything either except for the fact that rabbits are used a lot as examples when folks are trying to use a metaphor for someone who has sex a lot or often. So......that could've been a hidden meaning in the movie. ;)MISS TLC SAYS: "U know the Kama Sutra? I could re-write it, with half as many words." U tell 'em Prince. If Madonna is the mother of sexual expression, then Prince is the father. Bump that. Prince is the father, grandfather, brother, nephew, and cousin of sexual expression. With songs like "Gett Off", "Come", "Dirty Mind", "International Lover", "Do Me, Baby", "Head", and "Cream", this man OWNS sexuality. 'Nuff said.MISS TLC SAYS: Betty Boop was before my time. However, t-shirts, cartoons, commercials, and pop culture references had still been a-plenty with this saucy brunette. When I was a child, I didn't know why I loved her, I just did. I collected pics and tees with her image and thought I wanted to act just like her for no obvious reason. I just thought she was fun. As I grew up I realized it was her adorable quasi-innocent sex appeal that won me over. Never before has a 76-year old looked so good.MISS TLC SAYS: The epitome of a passionate relationship, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner were dynamic, volatile, gorgeous, and so in love. Frank Sinatra alone is commonly referred to as one of the most popular heartthrob/ladies men of our time. So any woman that could mesmerize such a man had to be a powerful force to be reckoned with. I knew that. I loved me some Frank. I still do. I still fantasize about my grandmother introducing us in heaven so that we can go on a date. LOL. So when I started to look into his life and relationships, I was extremely interested in his connection to Ava Gardner. Shoot, the whole world was enthralled with their courtship. Married and divorced, Frank never could quite shake Ava's spell. Gorgeous and sexy together or apart, they are the standard for me when it comes to couples.MISS TLC SAYS: Prince's ex-wife and bellydancing side dancer, Mayte Garcia has been known to put concertgoers in a daze with her fluidity and smoldering good looks. Watch Prince's "7" video and I'm sure you will begin to admire her as well. Prince knew just what he was doing in the 90s taking her on tour with him to hypnotize the crowds with her sexy attire and extreme flexibility. A famous bellydancer at a very young age, Mayte will always possess a quiet sexuality in everything from her walk to her gaze.HONORABLE MENTION:MISS TLC SAYS: I love the Pussycat Dolls but they are just too new to make my official list. I am going to see them next Friday so I will inform you all of their stage presence upon my return. Their dance steps evoke feelings of empowerment and sensuality for me and sexual stimulation for all the men I'm sure. ;) That's why they inspire me just like all the others.

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